High School

Diploma Programme

The Diploma Programme (DP) provides a challenging, internationally focused, broad and balanced educational experience for students aged 16 to 19. The programme is designed to equip students with the basic academic skills needed for university study, further education and their chosen profession. Additionally the programme supports the development of the values and life skills needed to live a fulfilled and purposeful life. The description is provided by the International Baccalaureate (IB). For more information, visit www.ibo.org
Programme Structure
The Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum is made up of six subject groups and the DP cores.

The DP subject groups
  • 1. Studies in Language and Literature
  • 2. Language Acquisition
  • 3. Individuals and Societies
  • 4. Sciences
  • 5. Mathematics
  • 6. The Arts

Each student selects one subject per group: three subjects at a higher level (HL) and three at a standard level (SL). Основные элементы DP In addition to academic subjects, the programme includes three key components:
  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) This course teaches students to critically analyze the nature of knowledge, pose questions about how we come to know things, and integrate insights from different disciplines.
  • Extended Essay (EE) Students write a research paper of up to 4,000 words on a topic of their choice, helping them develop skills in independent inquiry and academic writing.
  • Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) This component encourages students to participate in creative, athletic, and volunteer projects, fostering social skills and a sense of responsibility.
Educational Process for Grades 10–11
  • A feature of the DP program of the IB is that the inclusion of the DP program in the educational process is permitted only after the school has undergone full authorization. Therefore, the educational process for grades 10–11 in the 2024–25 academic year will incorporate certain components of the IB program (ATL skills, project and research work) into the state standard.
  • In addition, as an elective component for 10th–11th grade students, Advanced Placement (AP) classes are included with a weekly studyload of 6 hours.
Study Load 
Subject Language of Instruction Additional Information
1 Kazakh Language Kazakh
2 Kazakh Literature Kazakh
3 Russian Language and Literature Russian
4 Foreign Language (English) English
5 Algebra and Beginning Analysis Kazakh
6 Geometry Kazakh
7 Computer Science Kazakh
8 Physics Kazakh
9 Chemistry Kazakh
10 Biology Kazakh
11 Geography Kazakh
12 History of Kazakhstan Kazakh
13 Global Perspectives Kazakh
14 Basics of Law Kazakh
15 Physical Education Kazakh
16 Global Competence (Global Perspectives) English Mandatory for all students. Assessed on a pass/fail system.
17 IELTS Preparation English Mandatory for all students. Assessed on a pass/fail system.
18 SAT English Selected subject is not graded.
19 AP Subjects: AP Art: Drawing AP Biology AP Calculus AP Computer Science AP World History AP Microeconomics AP English and Composition English Choice is made from the specified 7 subjects. Grades are recorded in the table and certificate, with quarterly and annual grades.

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